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Kearney Team Course-based Undergraduate Research Experience (CURE) research projects have so far explored novel questions related to the impact of human activities on:

Deer Exclosure 1.jpg

A deer exclosure site on the Binghamton University campus.

1. Soil and soil microbial communities.


Specifically we have examined whether significant differences exist in soil systems impacted by:

Overabundant deer populations

Invasive plants (specifically Japanese Knotweed, Polygonum cuspidatum)


Across an impact gradient (low to high), we assessed:

1. soil microbial community structure through DNA extraction and metagenomic sequencing

2. soil respiration through CO2 efflux measurements

3. soil pH and conductivity


2. Early plant development and growth.


Specifically we have examined the effects of known and emerging contaminants on seedling growth and root system development in lettuce (Lactuca sativa var. capitata) and tomato (Solanum lycopersicum).


We have assessed impacts of contaminants on:

1. shoot biomass

2. root biomass

3. number of roots

4. root lengths

5. root convex area 


Seedling root structure in a minirhizotron

© 2018 by Miranda Kearney

Last Updated: Aug 2022

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